Thread: The Kitchen
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Old 01-17-2010, 07:39 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Default lol...Evelyn...baking...
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees

Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands View Post
Destiny nodded. Of course they would think of something, and when they do, it will be hilarious. Maybe. 'Hopefully we won't lose housepoints. We have to be sneaky.' Sneaky like a spy. She knew a lot about spies and such.

Do house elves even use cake mix? Destiny started opening cabinets and rummaging through them trying to find the cake mix. 'I can make any kind.' She said proudly. She has been baking for a while, and not to brag, her cooking was good, for a twelve year old that is.

She was standing on her tip-toes while she looked in the last cabinet. What would they do if they didn't have cake mix!? Maybe give Lupa one of them already made pies..Nah, they would think of something else. But before she could even think of anything else, Destiny had found the cake mix! 'I guess house elves don't make their own cakes and cupcakes.' she laughed as she threw a box of strawberry cake mix to Evelyn. Destiny didn't want to make strawberry cupcakes, so she grabbed a box of chocolate mix for herself. Everyone like chocolate!

Oh boy. Evelyn didn't know how to bake. 'That's alright, just copy me.' It isn't hard, especially since the directions are on the box. 'Okay, we just need the ingredients.' She read the back of the box and a confused look appeared on her face, 'Where in the world are we going to find eggs?' Baking cupcakes was hard work.
"Way sneakier than last year." she mumbled, hopping up on the counter and swinging her legs slightly. Like, auror sneaky, so they wouldn't have to spend another detention with Lawsguini. She did not want to clean again. "Aaannyyy kind..." Repeating what others said seemed to happen more often for her nowadays. She had a good idea of where it started, *cough* overthe *cough* summer *coughcough*, and yet, she couldn't stop. Weeeiiird.

Looking up, Evelyn suddenly found herself reaching out from reflexes and catching a little box. A little heavy box. Jeez, what was in this thing? Well, no it wasn't that heavy, but it definitely weighed more than it looked or what one would expect. Turning it in all different angles, reading what everything said and looking at the front, she noticed that...nothing was moving. Well it was just a picture of a slice of strawberry cake, but...shouldn't it be doing something? Or...something? Maybe eating itself. Poking the picture, she shook her head and set it down on the counter next to her, looking around when Destiny mentioned eggs.

"Over there." Pointing to a far corner of the room, there was a neatly stacked pile of a few dozen eggs. They looked like it might have been for something that the house elves were going to use later, but eh, they didn't need that many eggs surely. Really, how hard could baking be? Pfft, Evelyn could master anything! Except baking had nothing to do with it may be harder than she expected. "Do you think cupcakes are like, too sugary? Maybe we should put fruit on it or something..." Yea, give fruity cupcakes!
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