Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Wearing her favorite and most comfortable pair of shorts, a short sleeve shirt along with one of her older pair of shoes (like three months ago), she rounded the corner for the Muggle Studies class, expecting to see Professor Dumont there.
That... definitely was not Professor Dumont, but Professor Lawson.
At every step, she had to fight to keep the laughter down, and trying her hardest not to look at him. So this was his new position that he wouldn't speak to them of. Muggle Studies Professor. It...was...hilarious! She was totally expecting him to be the Astronomy teacher, but this was way funnier. Not being able to handle it, a few snickers escaped as she walked right up to him. "G-good... she started, though it was quite obvious that she was holding back a long laugh that would surely appear if she spoke anymore. But she had to. "Good day Professor."
Walking into the classroom, covering her mouth as she finally let out the laugh, she noticed everything was green. Grass in a classroom. Strange yet interesting. Chuckling, she set down her bag towards the back and sat down, laying out her legs in front of her and leaning back slightly, completely oblivious to everyone else. Professor Lawsguini. Muggle Studies teacher. *snort*
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