Originally Posted by
Oesed The blonde was talking a lot.
Ian did not care for chatty girls.
So Ian being Ian, decided that it was best to just tune out the girl and drift off. He did, however, kept looking at her even if his expression was now a combination of a dreamy and absent one.
Her lips WERE moving, but ... who the heck knew what she was going on about now?
"You are AWFULLY prissy." Ian said rather conversationally, after wrinkling his nose at what the wand did to his face. Cleaning him up without his permission.
He wasn't even...completely there was he? There was a glassy quality to his eyes that Daphne was all too familiar with. Pink and purple spots launching themselves forward over her cheeks, Daphne took a deep breath.
"Yes, so I've been told," she replied rather curtly. Daphne would have thanked him, instead, she aimed her wand up at one of his nostrils. "And that's no way to apologize you know. Usually it goes something like..."
Scourgify." Except not. They both started with an 'S' though.