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Tazenhani Managing not to choke on his bacon and swallow it back, although still rather unchewed, Sabel gave Arya a small smile and nod. "How cold is the water here. Because back in Canada in the mountains the water is free---"
He blinked rapidly as Chaucer removed a spray bottle from his...err...bag. And then he stared. He simply stared at Allison and Chaucer. Why she was letting Chaucer run his fingers through her hair was beyond him. But of more interest was to why he was carying hairspray in his bag; besides that it was Chaucer and he probably sported a hairdryer in there as well. Not one to be particularly timid around his friends, Sabel latched a finger on the lip of the bag and peered in. "Gosh man. What else do you have in here? The bathroom sink?" Using a hankerchief to wipe off his hands, Chaucer looked over Sabel nonchalantly.
"Sink? Not quite, but I have some hand lotion, my compact, tweezers a b-- oh, I see what you did there." After he finished wiping the product from his hands, he put the hankerchief back in his sleeve and slipped on his gloves.
"It always pays to look one's best. Mum always said, "wear clean underwear, because you never know when you'll die in a horrific accident". Never quite understood the old girl, but I assume she meant something about being conscious about the possible hygiene of one's corpse. Words to live by, I say." Chaucer always felt confident that the sight of his glorious face enshrouded in death would stun those around with such sorrow they'd cry for days and bring him flowers. Tobias would probably bring blue roses - ah, how nice that would be!
He should like if someone sang Ave Maria as well...