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But then Rachel spoke, expressing relief that she wasn't going senile, and Adrienne gladly pushed back her thoughts about how she seemed oddly deprived or something as she was amused by the answer. "That's always good. I mean, going senile at seventeen would be really sad," she said with a grin, trying to show that she was still being light-hearted about the subject. Even though now that she thought about it, it really would be sad. For which she was glad when the other seventh year kept talking. Laughing a little, she shrugged. "I see that, although I'd hope your cat wouldn't intentionally do something like that." She didn't think the cat she'd seen on the train looked capable of anything like that, other than being really fat. "But anyways, you and Torin. Really. He didn't notice my badge when I saw him in Diagon Alley, when I had it on my purse. Preoccupation seems to be going around." And she could relate. To the preoccupation thing, at least. Not what had actually preoccupied either of them.
"Yes, well - we're all BIG now. Being older sort of means you HAVE to be preoccupied. Ya know, 'cause otherwise the grown-up-ness doesn't count," Rachel giggled back at Adrienne, feeling very NOT grown up at the moment.
Which was a good thing since she had a WHOLE year to go before she had to worry about stuff like that.
GULP - smile.
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Allison grinned at the girls--note: girls. It was nice to talk about muggle movies. She loved muggle movies! "Just before I came to Hogwarts my mum took me to watch Reid Hemingway's latest movie! I had no idea he worked in muggle movies as well. It was so cool!" Allison's inner thinking had caused her to miss Cela's mention of her boyfriend. Had she heard, Allison would have been up and hugging Cela from behind. Professing that love was everywhere! Men were scarce as of late, but in the real world there were too many of them! And that if worse came to worse she'd give her her brother!
Rachel's head whipped around to Allison so fast it almost spun right off. Had she said HIS name? In association to movies? EEEK. The seventh year had SEEN the hype around Reid - but she hadn't really ever discussed this sort of thing with others.
... Hmm.
"You know Reid Hemingway went to Hogwarts last year?" she smiled at Allison, restraining the fit of giggles that was threatening to burst out of her any second. She LOVED the way his name just rolled off her tongue like that - almost like her name.
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"Oh/" Celandine answered with a few blinks of confusion. "Well I'm glad you and Livvy are all good now." Celandine smiled at the Head Girl too. "Filming in Australia? Like the muggle movies? Do they make those in Australia?"
Blink Blink. We don't know these things.
"Well Pr... Mister Truebridge got him an internship last summer at a dig site in Amarna. So like, from doing that Cope got a recomendation and he got accepted into the Wizarding University of Cairo and he's studying Wizarding Archaeology." Celandine explained.
Rachel laughed at Cela's expression. It was so weird for her to think that people didn't know about that incident. She had been SO involved in it that at the time she was sure that EVERYONE had known - or rather, she had assumed. Since she hadn't actually given others a lot of thought back then.
Then it was Rachel's turn to blink.
"Archeology... For wizards? I had no idea there was such a career - although now that you mention it, it really makes sense," the seventh year cocked her head to the side and stared up as she thought about this new revelation. It DID make sense - since how were people supposed to do what she wanted to do without anybody actually excavating something first?
Psht. She was dim.
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"Neptune Bott." Celandine supplied cheerfully. "Like the beans? My brother likes her sister an awful lot."
"... Bott, you said?" Rachel commented, turning to observe the young bubbly girl was was giggling all over the place. It bought a smile to her face, really. She might not be a Prefect anymore, but she still LOVED it when new people joined Ravenclaw - they always bought such variety; it was amazing.
"Are you actually related to Bertie Bott?" the seventh year called out to her, really curious. And if she was, did she LIKE the candy? Because it would really be hilarious if she didn't.