Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco IMPORTANT! After a lot of thinking, I've decided that Chapter 25 was the last chapter of Love Is Dangerous. 
Now I'm sure some of you might ask why. Well here are some reasons: - I have writers block...again.
- I'd like to start writing something new
- I'm busy with school. We have the Constitution Test coming up soon and I need to pass it so I graduate.
- There's more, I just can't think of anything!

But look on the bright side: - I might write a sequel
- We've had a great time writing and reading this
- This is my first story that I've ACTUALLY finish!
 - I'm still gonna write!
So I'm going to keep this up, because I still have somethings I wanna post, and so you can comment and I can reply and stuff. I'll PM a mod sometime next week.
P.S. Take a look at the end of the Chapter 25 again, I've added some things. |