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Old 01-14-2010, 06:21 AM   #23 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 32

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Henry Pythion
First Year

Character Name: Henry Pythion.
Nickname: No one calls him Henry, normally goes by Pyth (Pith)
Character Age: 11
DOB: February 22, 2059
Year in School: 1

Wand: 12 1/4 inch from a Ash Tree with a dragon heartstring core. Pliable yet powerful
Pet: small scops owl named Legorium, nicknamed Lego

Physical Description: short and pudgy. dirty blonde shaggy hair, blue eyes round face.

Heritage: Muggleborn, completely new to the idea of magic.

About Me :
Henry is a young reckless little boy. He is at first afraid to leave his muggle world that he has become so accustomed to. But the idea of a new world also intrigues him.
His parents are from the USA but moved to London, when Henry was 6 years old. He still holds strong to his American traditions including sports, popular music, and fast food, contributing to his more than ample stomach.
As a student, Henry has excelled in hands on material, but sometimes struggles with lengthy reading and writing assignment. He doesn't have a favorite or least favorite subject yet but he will know within the first week which classes he likes or dislikes.
He is a very stubborn young boy who rarely backs down in arguments sometimes causing schisms in friendships. Although he can be stubborn, he is moreover a very trusting and friendly person when he feels comfortable around you. He wears his emotions on his sleeve and if your willing (or stupid enough to ask) he will tell you what he thinks honestly, brutally honest.
But just like every other 11 year old entering Hogwarts, He is excited for the world of magic and really doesn't know what to expect but hopes for the best.
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