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Old 01-14-2010, 04:45 AM   #5 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post
"About sanitation! About our rights as students to access to CLEAN facilities! Swimming is very good exercise and I happen to have brought my NEW bathing suit!" Neptune STOMPED both feet in succession in what one might call a bit of a tantrum... then she stomped after him. She wasn't really mad or all that bothered really - but Neptune will be Neptune.

Getting over that just as quick as it started, she snatched his pinky finger. Neptune swung it in a WIDE arc as they walked. Her butterfly bracelet JINGLED and JANGLED with each SWING. Neptune GIGGLED and rubbed her nose on the outside of Raiden's arm -- then the swinging started again.

Raiden didn't mind the whole arm swinging thing that much. She only had him by one finger, and the motion wasn't quite distracting him from looking where he was going or anything so... he let her swing. The nose-nuzzling of his arm was kinda odd, but... it was Neptune. He let it pass.

"It's plenty clean," he said absently as they came upon the staircase. The... moving one. He remembered this. Getting stuck up on it because he hadn't known he was allergic to pumpkin... And Nicholai Toussaint had had to levitate him to the hospital wing, where he'd almost thrown up on Miss Healer Intern Trelawney. "If you wanna swim without the water touching you, I'm sure there's spells that you can do for it..."


"This is the third floor. The hospital wing's on this one, which... you should remember, it's important and stuff." Because surely... Neptune would end up hurting herself at one point.
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