sugary sweet Evil Pastry Lady
Miles practically...well no practically he did, skip down the stairs until the last flight and decided the bannister would be a more more practical way to speedily exit the castle or else...the stairs anyway. Landing on his feet he sprinted toward his Head of Houses' office nearly plowing into a couple of trees as he looked around. It was just so...beautiful out.
Finding the office he threw it open not bothering to knock and walked in with a large grin and his arms wide, "I'm here don't anyone worry it was just a cracked rib...or two...maybe even three but..." His eyes caught Cela and he went up to her with a grin and wrapped his arms around her tightly, "HI CELA!" That potion he was given was having the exact reaction it normally did...hyperness beyond belief.
Looking up he spotted Vindictus looking surprised as if he hadn't expected him there. But...oh yes...he was in his office. "Hi professor V." Oh yes that'll be his new nickname. "Has anyone seen Masterson I have to thank him for taking me to the hospital wing and..." He opened his mouth feeling parched and shook his head, "Does anyone have any water?" He found a seat and sat on the arm of the chair instead of actually in it giggling slightly, "This term's starting out just great don't you think? I just know we'll win the cups this term." He looked around expectantly waiting for someone to speak. They would speak right? He wouldn't have to keep them all entertained right? Well...he could if he had to.