Lucy walked up to the Owlery, smiling to herself when she reached it. She immediately recognized Alison as she was the one of the few snowy white owls there.
"Hey Alison, come down here!" She yelled up to her owl, who hooted and flew down to her.
"How have you been, sweetums? I'm sorry I can't some see you as often, but I promise I'll come at least once a week, okay?" She told Alison, stroking her feathers.
"But right now, I've got a job for you. I'm going to write a letter to Mummy and Daddy and you have to deliver it to them, kay?" She askedthe owl, and it hooted again.
"Good girl!" She said happily as she set her down, and took out some parchment, a quill, and ink. Writing quickly, Lucy finished her letter.
SPOILER!!: The letter
Dear Mummy and Daddy,
Hello! I hope you are doing well back home. I miss you guys terribly, but am glad to see my friends again. And I have some exciting news for you! Kat got me a Pygmy Puff!! I was so happy, I named him Bubbles. I can't wait to show him to you when I come home for Christmas. How are the sheep doing? I miss Betty so much, and I bet she misses me, too. Give her a kiss from me, will you?
Classes haven't started yet, but I'm sure they will be rigorous. I'm scared of taking my OWLs. Also, I've made some new friends, mostly boys. And Daddy, don't get upset please. They're just friends. For now Kidding, kidding!
Well, I must go for now, hugs and kisses for both of you.
Love you,
Lucy xoxo
There, that was nice. Lucy rolled it up and tied it. And then she gave it to Alison, who grabbed onto it.
"Safe journey, then!" She said as the owl rose gracefully and soared into the sky. Lucy watched it for a while before leaving the Owlery.