Originally Posted by
grangerfan8 Arya stoped playing her keyboard to flick her wrist, wand falling softly into her right hand. "Mines is a 11.5 inches Rose wood with Phoenix Feather core. Not exactly sure what it means though. I think the pheonix feather core means its good for defense spells but thats all I know." She studied her wand, it felt warm in her hands and like the shopkeeper said, it felt like an extention of her arm. Like a part of her she never knew was missing until it was in her hands.
No. I love to fly, its like riding a horse in the sky, but I don't care to much for quidditch. My dad and brother love it though, but I just like going to the matches. Arya put her wand back into her holister and picked up where she left off on her piano."What else do you like to do for fun?
"I love the sensation of flying," Emily said. "The wind in your hair, the feeling that you don't have to worry about anything else, the open sky in front of you." Emily scratched Perseus on the ear. "I hope I make the quidditch team."