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Old 01-12-2010, 09:56 PM   #31 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
Watching the black kitten and his rascal of a cat, Merlin, bound down the stairs and thread through a few peoples legs, Sabel listened to the exchange between the Lady and the Knight with a smile. Squatting he moved to pick up Merlin when he heard the comment about 'finding the king'. A grin split his face. He couldn't resist.

Turning he grinned at the Lady, bowing exaggerated at the waist in repeated motions as if humbling himself before her as he held the cat in both his hands. Least to say, besides being bothered by his rather disgraceful attempt at old English, Merlin was not pleased with him, hanging from his hands with an expression that clearly said 'don't touch me.'

He turned his tone to one of quick excitment. "My Lady! Thank goodness I have found thee! Or...I have found that which thee has been searching for with utter devotion." He straightened, holding an unimpressed Merlin out towards her. "The King my Lady!"
Enid was distracted from the head boy as a new face came to her, holding a cat in his hands. She assumed him to a be a peasant at first - it was hard to tell the royals and the peasants apart when they were all dressed the same! But as he then spoke, in a dialect she immediately recognized as the same as her own, she beamed. As he then started, mentioning he had found what she had been looking for, Enid's eyes widened. She was just about to question him on this, when he held the cat out to her, introducing it as the king. Enid's green eyes widened further. "Ki--King? The... O, HEAVENS! Thy highness, King of the land of Hog-Warts!" Enid gasped, giving a curtsy to the cat. "Thou must forgive Lady Enid's attire, I-- I knowst not what hast happened to me, thy highness, I promise thee I was not in peasant's clothing when I awoke this morning-- but-- but-- O, please forgive my nosy tongue, but... what hast happened to thee, thy graciousness?! Why art thou -- a cat!? What hast happened to our castle, I see nothing but peasants all around! Please offer this humble lady some guidance, sir!"

— the sun & the moon
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