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Old 01-12-2010, 07:44 AM   #16 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Madison Valentine
Fifth Year
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♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#

Originally Posted by Becky View Post
Looking at him curiously still, she listened. So he was missing Tabby? No.. that wasn't it.. Tammy. Ah! There was the name! But, now he mentioned Brody. "Yeah, I can see why you'd miss Tammy and Brody." Peyton smiled at Torin. When would he see that she only had eyes for him?

"Yeah, it seems like the home you get really bored of." she looked around and then smiled as Torin laughed. His laugh was really something different to her. Ha! Notice anything different? She looked at him curiously and ran her eyes over his robes, hair and face. "Your hair looks great," as always "Your face still looks intact. And wait, are they new robes?" she grinned. Of course she'd seen the shiny badge, but he wanted to show it off, who was she to ruin his fun?
He was about to correct her on Tammy's name when she got it herself. "Yep, Tammy." Who he wanted to come down here at any moment. "Brody has a new boyfriend now and I got jealous.." He had to throw that it in because he had kept it quiet. But now.. Now he told someone. He had actually gotten jealous.

"I dunno. It's pretty exciting here. I mean there was the time that the castle kept flooding. Even though me, Satine and Professor Bunbury almost drowned in her office." Hmm. That hadn't been very pleasant at all. He had almost died.

He grinned as she said that his hair looked great. "Oh I know my hair looks great. And these are new clothes... But still not right yet." This was a lot of fun.
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