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"Well I hope that you find out who it is. I don't think thats right." Kay said to him and hope it wasn't the Carter she knew. "Quidditch try out should be soon and that will be great. We can practice together and hopefully our teams don't get mad about it." Kay loved flying it was like be free from everything.
" Well, I just about forgot about it at our table until Avery chirped in with her two cents" Rex explained to Kay. " Be freinds with Avery but I do not want to be around her at this time. maybe longer" Rex told Kay. "Jason has a Quidditch field at his castle, we can practice there" Rex said to Kay. I am full and I like you to come meet my Gryffindor friends at my table" Rex smiled at Kay.
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Kita saw a hand appear in front of her and looked up to see who the hand belonged to. She smiled at him and shook his hand. She giggled slightly and said, "Hey Rex. You ok? Thanks. I've heard a lot about you." She glanced a look at Kay and smiled at her.
" I am ok, mam" Rex told Kita. " I only am clumsy in front of pretty girls,mam " Rex expalined to Kita. " I hope everything you herd about me has been good,mam" rex laughed.
"Wow. But you still contributed. Yeah. Quidditch this year will be great," she said, even though she got a slight feeing in her stomach that it didn't agree with her. She turned to Rex and asked, "Are you going to try out this year?"