Disclaimer-The wonderful amazing Harry Potter universe all belongs to J.K.R. She made it.
This is just a two-shot.. Hope you enjoy it.
It takes place in the trio's and Draco's 4th year.
Epilogue Halloweens Hallowed Ball
“ Would you care for this dance milady?” Draco Malfoy asked as he kissed the hand of the girl he had been watching for all of the masquerade ball.
“ Why thank you.” The girl smiled up at him, something about her was familiar but Draco could care less at the moment. He was dancing with the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts ever. Her stunning cream colored dress to her soft curled brown hair that hang loosely at her ears and the back of her neck, they where perfect. This was the best ball Draco had ever been to.
“ What year are you in?” He asked the mysterious girl as the waltzed around the dance floor, her tiny feet moving in perfect rhythm to the music.
“ My fourth.” The girl smiled at him again.
“ As am I, I would ask your house but that would narrow down who you are by to much.” Draco said as he tried to recall which Hogwarts girls his age had brown hair. There was a small silence which was filled with the music and quiet chatter from other couples.
“ Your a good dancer.” Mysterious finally broke the silence.
“ Thank you, so are you. And your incredibly beautiful.” Draco couldn't help but add the last part. There was more silence as the girl blushed slightly. Then both of of them leaned towards each other and kissed.
“ That was my first kiss.” The girl admitted going slightly red again.
“ Mine also.” Before Draco could ask her anything else Dumbledore stood up.
“ The ball is coming to a close soon, all of those that wish may unmask themselves.” Dumbledore sounded amused.
“ So is mysterious going to 'unmask' herself as the headmaster puts it?” Draco asked with a small grin.
“ Hermione Granger.” The girl responded also with a grin.” Who are you?” Hermione finished. Draco's stomach did a back flip, and he tried not to look horrified.
“D-Draco Malfoy.” He half stuttered.
“ You've got to be kidding me!” Hermione's grin died as she half screamed.” There's no possible way your Draco Malfoy.”
“ I am.” Draco tried to ignore the fact that over half the room was watching. Hermione looked like she was torn between laughing or crying, then decided to leave.
Hermione cried hysterically as she slumped against the cold stone wall.
“ Hermione, I'm really sorry.. I obviously didn't know it was you,” Draco's voice brought her back to reality.
“ But why did you have to be so darn charming and polite?” Hermione asked through her tears, not caring that Draco pulled her in to a hug.
“ Because I'm really like that when I'm not trying to be a total jerk.” Draco responded noticing he was almost half a foot taller then Hermione as he kissed her forehead.
“ Did you really mean it when you said I was pretty?” Hermione turned around in Draco's arm to face him.
“ I said you were beautiful and I mean it with all my heart.” Draco slightly laughed before bending down to kiss Hermione. There kiss seemed to last forever...