*Eating chili with Sirius* Red Ninja*Raspberry White Chocolate Mocha Jacob trembled as he was sure it would be his turn soon. His mother told him to get Ravenclaw, although he wasn't sure how to get anything out of that ratty ole thing. "Jacob Lyons"
His hands were clasped in front of him, and he figited with his robe as he walked toward the stool. Sitting down and feeling the hat lower on to his head all he could think about was his mother's wish. "Oh my! What have we were a Pillings?" Jacob didn't know what a 'Pillings' was, he was scared was it something bad? "Pillings boy is your mother's name, she's a pure blood. Is see your father is a muggle. Interesting. Interesting." Jacob was learning new things and terms and the classes hadn't even started yet. His heart raced as he repeated Ravenclaw in his mind over and over again. "Oh, no Ravenclaw for you Jacob. You have potential, your mother's blood runs thick through your veins, you just don't know it yet." Jacob mind was processing infromation quicker than it ever had before. No Ravenclaw? What house was my mom in? "Oh dear boy your mother was a Slytherin - and that is what you will be. SLYTHERIN! " Jacob felt the hat lift from his head, Slytherin?. His mother would be so upset. This is not what she wanted for him, although she was one. What was so bad with them. He looked toward the table that was cheering. He rose from the seat and walked over to the table drinched in green. |