To you,
So my fifth year term had ended again and my sixth year just started. The last term wasn't as fun as it should be since i've been feeling you know...
bitter over things.
Before i jump into things that had happened during the summer, i wanna share thing from last term. Reid graduated already and i hadn't properly said goodbye. Gahhh, i've been so pre occupied with things. SEE, i even barely wrote on you.
And now even though we never had a conversation and we might never had one, someone took this photo of us. YES!!! us. COol isn't it.
At least i managed to have this before we lost contact and everything.
NOw, moving on with my summer. It was a very VERY lovely one. Natalia organised a camping trip and my muggle and wizard parents finally met. You know how it looks like when two different world meet plus the fact that my wizard mum bawl over how grateful they are for my muggle parents. It took hours for us to stop her from crying.
Natalia bakes the most tasty brownies i've ever had. She packed hundreds of them on a plastic ware. We didn't have anything to eat except for that, it was all unplanned. So we ha to do the traditional way of hunting and roasting over fire. It was all so fun. I was teary eyed when we had to pack up the next day because of work and i till have to get my things on DIagon alley.
I spent most of my days strolling on Diagon alley. And there i met him. I met the guy that maybe i have been waiting for. His name is Alexander Uhmmm. Uh oh.. haha, i didn't even ask his last name. All i know is his nickname Alex. Never mind. HE's gorgeous. HE's from Korea and i just felt we had spark. Does a person who is inlove really know if they have spark? i dunno. ^^
So how i met him???? I met him when i bumped unto him at SOuth end street at the Alley. Then i seemed to melt when he looked at me and i kept on blushing.. OH he blushed too. What does that mean eh??? Then we thought about going to Florean's for a little get to know and you know what???? The next thing i know is that HE WAS ALREADY HOLDING MY HAND.
We didn't manage to talk about a lot of stuffs for i had to leave and the next time i went back we didn't meet again.
sigh perhaps that's a sign i'm never meeting him again. I hope not... i can feel it that he's the one and i know that he feels the same way. ALl i know now is that he got sorted into Slytherin. What a coincidence, the same house as Reid.
His image was still Vivid as if i'm still having that conversation with him at FLoreans. HE looks o cute eating his ice cream... like a little kid who just really wants to eat and is not minding the people around him. BErtiebott's flavour is one of the flavours he ordered.
i actually let him order And he got 3 flavours i just couldn't remember the other two flavours.
Oh i have to go now. Talk to you soon.
~Vivianne Nat