Originally Posted by
"I don't think Hogwarts has while I've been here anyway." she replied to Cadence, a clearly amused look on her face. In response to her next question she just shrugged. Melanie had already resolved not to bring up the incidents last year and there wasn't really anything else going on she knew of.
Then she turned her head to Rue. Melanie nodded a the other girl, as if to confirm Cadence's statements. "Nice to meet you Rue." she said politely. She wasn't sure what else to say. Cadence had pretty much covered everything...
She looked up from the conversation, hearing the door crack open. Recognizing the familiar face as belonging to the first person she'd meant in Diagon Alley, she gave her a welcoming smile. "Hey Nat. Take a seat, and a frog if you want one." Melanie shoved the box of frogs, which didn't look like it had much of a dent in it yet over so she could grab one if she wanted to. "I haven't talked to you for a while. How are ya?" she asked her curiously, taking another bite of the frog. Merlin, if she kept it up with the sweets on the train she wouldn't have any room left for the feast. She couldn't help it with students being so generous though. And with chocolate being so yummy.
Originally Posted by
Lily Lupin
"Okay then." Natasha said when she said why she was a third year was difficult to explain. She was not one to ask questions about those sorts of things. "Do you mind if I let my cat out?" She asked Cadence. "She's well behaved, she just doesn't like being in a cage."
She smiled at Melanie. "I know, it has been a while. I'm good, and really excited to be back at Hogwarts." She was now. "Oh, thank you." She said, getting a chocolate frog. "How are you, Mel?"
Cadence could tell Lanie wasn't telling her something, but she didn't push it... especially with people she didn't really know in the compartment.
She heard Natasha ask about her cat.
"Oh! No I don't mind! I love animals!" Cadence said, smiling. Okay, so this Natasha girl seemed pretty nice. Maybe she was making a new friend here.
"So, did you say you're in Slytherin? I don't think I've really ever talked to anyone from Slytherin. I'm not sure if that's because you guys keep to yourself or because of the bad reputation Slytherin has that causes people to ostracize you guys. Either way, I don't have anything against Slytherins! Is it true your Common Room is under the lake?"