Iris walked down the corridor bare foot, not really caring that she'd left her shoes in the compartment. The worst that would happen is that some one would stand on her foot, and considering that that had happened plenty of times before, she didn't really care that much if it did happen.
She made her way to the food trolley, hoping to be able to get something nice ... something easily shareable. She came to a halt as she saw a familiar Blonde person, wearing a gaudy blue T-shirt. It took her a minute to realise he was wearing a footie shirt. Seriously? Please, that's wrong, you only wear those things AT football matches. Idiot. She quickly sorted out her
dress, before carrying on down to the trolley.
Iris smiled sweetly at Evan, then looked to the Sweety-lady.
"Hullo. When you've finished serving Him, could I please have 6 chocolate frogs, and two Cauldron cakes please?" Iris looked at Evan and watched the lady hand him all of his sweets. It was a lot.
"I hope that's not all for you. You won't fit in that shirt for long if it is." she commented simply.