Chapter One: Part Three "It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not." I am glad to say I have my second reader =) I am glad you are enjoying it!
Harry turned and looked at me, attempting a small smile, but failed miserable. I tried to convey with my eyes that I understood what he was feeling right now, and the small nod of his head told me the message had gotten through. With Cedric Diggory's death, Voldemort's return, and the real Mad-Eye Moody being found in a trunk after Barty Crouch Jr tried to kill him, Harry had been a little on edge and in a state of shock, but honestly who could blame him.
I could feel Hermione on my right looking hesitantly at Harry. I could tell she was still thinking about Harry's burst of frustration three days, Harry yelling in disbelief that they had been depriving him of any news all summer. I myself had disagreed strongly with keeping Harry so sheltered when he was at the core of the issue, but I knew Dumbledore's reasons, and for that I kept my head in the sand.
"I can't wait until we get on the train," Ron's voice trickled from the right side. "I have been craving a nice chocolate frog and a new wizard card all morning."
"Our dear brother," Fred mocked from the back, leaning forward so that his face was on Ron's right side.
"When is he going to grow up?" George asked, coming even with Ron's other side.
"Oh shut up you two. Don't pretend that you don't have a box of wizard cards stashed somewhere in your room."
I saw Hermione roll her eyes and shake her while Ginny chuckled as Ron's face turned red at some comeback Fred had made. The rest of the ride went smoothly, everyone in the car making small, mindless chatter to try and keep their minds off of what was ahead of them. We found Mad-Eye Moody and Hagrid waiting for us when we got out of the ministry car. I was pretty sure several muggles had stood gaping for several minutes, thoughts as to how in the world how many people could fit into one car streaming through their minds.
"Hey Abby, do you mind if I talk to you later?" Harry whispered to me as we pulled our luggage out of the car.
"Sure Harry," I said with a warming smile. I did my best to shut out the thoughts of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the other Weasleys. I figured it was an invasion of their privacy, and I had developed over the year the ability to turn their thoughts down to a low whisper, so I could hardly hear them at all.
The walk to the platform was filled with shifty eyes from our "protectors", and forced cheerful conversations from Mrs. Weasley. I couldn't help but feel myself relax as the train pulled away from the platform, the figures of Professor Lupin, Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and Hagrid disappearing as we rounded the bend.
"Do you think Hagrid will be alright on the motorcycle?" Hermione asked as the four of us filed into an empty compartment.
"I'm sure he will be fine Hermione. He's Hagrid after all, isn't he?" said Ron, looking at the window to see if the woman with the snack cart was coming yet.
"That doesn't mean he is invincible Ron," Hermione said as she opened a book on her lap.
I laid my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. I hadn't sleep well the night before, the image of a clear crystal ball with a hazy interior had haunted my dreams, flashing images of pain and torture. Trying to prevent the image from haunting my dreams again, I let myself listen to the voices and laughter of my friends around me. Even Harry managed to let out some chuckles as we got closer and closer to the place that we could all call our "home away from home."
__________________ 'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know 
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
Last edited by Wonderstruck; 01-08-2010 at 12:56 PM.