so you can convince yourself that im cute Pick away, my friend. Pick away.
#73 Warn An incredibly bulky five year old boy sat picking his nose on the couch. He looked as though he was having a good time, however his mother turned her nose up at him.
“Stop that, Vincent.” She said. “It’s disgusting!”
The baby Crabbe ignored her, and carried on picking away, a look of great determination in his eyes.
“Vincent!” His mother yelled. Crabbe looked up, mid-pick. “It’ll bleed,” she warned him.
Crabbe shrugged his shoulders and continued.
Minutes later there was a cry from the living room. A heavy stream of blood poured from the child’s nose.
“I warned you.”
__________________ ♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place.  I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥ |