Gahh!!! I missed so much last night! XD No quotes = for everybody! Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher
Chris chuckled as Torin retutned his excited response about school and Prefecting, with an even more excited response. "It's good to hear! I'm glad you are on the team this term!" he really was going to enjoy this term and hopefully get to know his Hufflepuff friend, Torin, better.
The Gryffindor prefect then turned to his fellow prefect and smiled at her he gave her a quick hug, since everyone else was hugging. He like to hug too! She was such a happy, bubbly person, it spread to him. He would definately enjoy working with her. "Yep that's right little Owen here is my pet kneazle." he watched as Owen moved closer to Gold's basket of now awakening kittens. He peered over the edge at Mr. T cat.
Taking his eyes from the Kneazle and the kittens, he glanced toward the door as he caught a glipmse of a new Prefect? He thought he saw him, oh what there he was. He was....sulking? What was wrong with him? Oh well, time to meet him.
Chris walked over to the boy who looked like he had a Ravenclaw badge on. "Hello there, nice to meet you. I'm Chris Potter sixth year, Gryffindor Prefect." he was, of course, completely unaware that this boy was the cause of the book sound in Flourish and Blotts when he was with Fia.
Chris laughed when Jack returned his high five. He loved everyone's big energy and excitement, Jack sure had some. He was shouting greetings and frighting sulky students. He nodded at the Head Boy "So we ready to get Gryffindor the win this term, Mr. head Boy?" he jokingly poked him on the shoulder.
And then Chris was so happy it was unbelievable. He had just finished his sentence with Jack when the door slid open again. Don't weat me? Who would say that as their first words into the Prefects' Compartment, we didn't bite. This time it revealed his buddy, what was she doing here? "Livvy!" he gave her a hug catching a flash of a bagde on her clothes but didn't see what it was. Was she the female Ravenclaw Prefect?
He was about to ask when she began exchanging words with Jack. GASP did she just say head girl?? "Oh my gosh, Livmiester, you are Head Girl?!" he gave her another excited hug, not really knowing what he was doing. "We are so hanging out more this term, I told it would happen in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!" he grinned uncontrolably now.
Chris saw that Gold and Jack had met. He walked over to them and put one arm around each of them is a friendly team way. "Jack I see you met the thrid link in our Prefect team of Greatness. Hey Gold." He bumped his hip against hers as he had no free hands and stuck his tongue out at her, playfully. Yeah he was going to have fun working with her. "Gryffindor for the win?" he asked the two of them with a huge grin. He then released them and began to talk to his fellow lions. "Me and Jack me to over the summer, and didn't have a clue who would be the other Prefect this term. And Golds I even met you once over the summer and I still didn't know." he chuckled.