James' Violin Buddy | Josey's Duckie ♥ | | Dandruffie's BFF | O Sparkly One Quote:
Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou Jack laughed as Livvy hugged him and he playfully rolled her eyes at her comment. "Nice to see you too, Livvy!" he responded. "And I'm here because you're looking at the new Head Boy," he told her with a proud grin. "Did you get the badge for Ravenclaw?" he asked. That was why she was there, right? She was the new prefect yes? Livvy grinned cheerfully up at the boy and crossed her arms as she awaited his response. Hmm... what business could he possibly have here? Jack Fritzera. The Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. Did someone steal his broom? Was Torin hitting on Reese again? Did Cam pull a prank on him like the previous term? Already, Livvy knew this term would be filled with surprises and LOTS of work to do.
WHAT? Livvy's jaw dropped in both shock and joy. "You're joking!" she exclaimed, playfully punching his arm gently. They were Head Boy/Head Girl buddies? Jack Fritzera. Ex-Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. Current Head Boy. "Well Mr. Head Boy. You're looking at your partner. The new Head Girl." Smirk smirk. Quote:
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie Oh good, wave!
*wave back* Because Gold liked to wave. It was such a pretty thing. Like a gentle breeze. But she really didn't have time to think of that, right now and - and what? Head girl? This was THE head girl?
Not bad, if you ask Gold.
"Liv," she said, with a nod. "Can I call you Liv? Easier than Olivia. Or Livvy. Easier than Liv." Cue cheerful smile. Waving got tiring. But it was still fun.
Since Gold kept on waving, Livvy felt that the most appropriate and polite thing to do was to keep on waving back. It was a nice gesture, no? People appreciated it when you followed through the introductions. So Gold was the new Gryffindor Prefect. She seemed like an upbeat girl. A REALLY upbeat girl.
Liv? Mhm. No one ever called her 'Liv'. That was new.
Livvy just smiled and shrugged though. "Sure if you wish, Gold. I don't mind. Though it might take some getting used to. You're probably the first person to call me 'Liv'." Surprisingly. |