Originally Posted by
Varius knows Jenna's a death eater?!?!?!
He has a death-eater source.
And obviously she didn't know he knew or else she wouldn't be using death eaters as her excuse not to date him.
She did know, though. She ... knew he knew. xDD Quote:
I wanna know their history, thoughhhh!!! D: Tell me, Maxers, TELL MEHHHHHH!!! I wanna know what happened between them! -Drops to the floor kicking and screaming-
Not much, child - not much, at all. *petpet*
Hehehehehehehhehe but well, well, well. I thought there was no one more clever than Jenna in this FF but it seems there might just be.

Mwahahaha. I like Varius. Poor guy.
Varius is ... variously disturbed, these days. [/random]

You started a new page, too!