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Old 01-05-2010, 04:24 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by GanymedeCraft17 View Post
:: Ehgad nodded, "Yes, crackers! That would be just wonderful." He held open his hands in anticipation of the crackers. She sat a little ways from him so he scooted over.

She smelled nice, "Praline, I smell something." He told her, the wind coming into the window was ruffling her hair. He gulped again and licked his lips.

His brothers advice was running through his head, even though his eyes were focused on his hands he said, "Your eyes are pretty." ::
Praline giggled and placed a pack of Lance snack crackers in his open hands. She liked to keep a pack in her purse in case she got hungry. "They are cheese and peanut butter." His face was hidden as he spoke to her, "Thanks...I think." She sat back down nearer to him, "Can I have one of those crackers?" They were her snack after all so he should share them.
I never lost my mind I simply misplaced it
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