Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: Toronto
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Madison Valentine Fifth Year x12 x9
| ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie Nice compartment.
Gold had brushed her hair really well, this morning. She always did that, of course, but she had sort of styled it, too. The bright red high heels clicked against the floor as she stepped in, and looked around.
- only to spot Mr. T.
"Mr. T," she said, with a cheerful wave. Then she saw Chris, and waved to him, too. "Hey there, Chris! Long time, no see."
... and who was the other girl? She didn't know her, but Torin had just headed over to her, so that girl, she had to be a friend of his. "Hi there," Gold said brightly, to Miss Prefect-without-a-name.
"Gold Laksh. You?" "Miss G?" He tuned to look at Gold as she came in. She was a Prefect too? Wow.. This made things even more awesome! If only Brody were Prefect. "Hey, Prefect. How are you?" He grinned at her. He hadn't seen her since that day when Lori had kissed him. It had been a nice kiss too. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 Chris looked up excitedly as the door finally slid open to reveal the first of the other Prefects. And it was Reese! "Happy Birthday Reese!" he said as she sat beside him. The Gryffindor gave her a hug and then smiled happily. "Oh is that Bubbles?" he said scrunting his nose as he looked closly at the little pink ball on Reese. "Hi Bubbles!" he grinned.
He then leaned down and pulled a small animal carrier out from under his seat. He pulled out the little cat-like Kneazle. "This, Reese, is Owen!" he said placing Owen on his lap and petted his black fur.
Chris looked up from Reese and their pets. He would put Owen up in his cage, to take a nap, for the rest of the ride. In the doorway was Torin. Torin was a Prefect this term!? Awesome another friend on the team. "Hey Torin, glad you made Prefect! You impressed?" he chuckled as he watched the Hufflepuff glance around the compartment taking in it's aumbiance.
He then grinned as he waited for Torin to sit down and join them. "Oh you know I'm excited. It felt to me like the break was taking forever." he nodded.
Just as Torin had moved out of the door way and into the compartment, a brightly dressed, redheaded girl stepped in and smiled brightly at them. "Hey Gold." he waved cheerfully at her. "So, what house are you Prefecting for?" he asked curiously. He knew she was new this term, but he had no clue what house she was in, because they had only talked for a second in the Leaky's Courtyard over break. He grinned at Chris. His enthusiasm was just making Torin more excited. "Oh, you bet I am. This is gonna be awesome. Tammy was so proud of me." She had clung to him before going off to watch Tom and Jerry. But he just wished that she could be there with him now. He needed her... "I'm excited too. And your excitement is making me even more excited." hehe.
Or, more like he was excited until... Quote:
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat Wait...
Didn't Torin know this was PREFECTS ONLY?
Reese slowly turned her head to look at her Hufflepuff friend. "Torin, don't you know this is Prefects only? I thought you were just walking with me to help me find me compartment," she told him. "I would love to sit with you on the train, but you can't be in here." She looked towards Chris and then looked back at Torin. "I suggest you leave before you get in trouble," she added.
Upon hearing Torin's question about going back to school, she looked down at her lap. "Mixed emotion," she simply answered. She was excited about going back to school with her friends, but she was also sad this was going to be her last year at Hogwarts. And, HER LAST TRAIN RIDE TO SCHOOL. "I'm...I'm going to cry," she whispered. "I can't believe this is my last train ride to school." She was actually going to try her best not to cry, because she didn't want to look like a fool or anything.
Looking up at the new arrival to the compartment, she put on a smile as the girl introduced herself. Hmm, Gold. Why did that name sound familiar? "Reese Upstead," she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you, Gold."
Oh, yes. All the happiness came back to Reese when Chris wished her happy birthday and gave her a hug. "Thanks," she replied with a smile. "I'm 18, Chris. I'm getting ollllld." She looked down at the pink pgymy puff in her purse and nodded her head. "Yes, this is Bubbles," she told him. "But, she's sleeping. Shhh!" She looked back at Chris when he pulled out the Kneazle and she let out an 'aww.' "It's so cute," she commented. "What are you talking about?" he asked her as he turned to face her and raised his brow. Did she not believe that he was Prefect now? Not after he sat in the compartment? The others had believed that he was.
Reese didn't have faith in him it seemed.
But what he said next made him soften towards her a little bit. "Aww, don't cry. Just enjoy the trip and you will have a whole 9 months until you have to go back." He patted her on the arm comfortingly. Quote: The prefects compartment. Jack had always pictured this place in his mind as a mythical carriage, someplace that was forbidden to all except those lucky prefects, and now--he got to go inside!
Granted it was probably NOT as stellar as he had imagined it--the same thing had happened when he tried to mentally picture the Prefects Bathroom, and when he got inside it was...well, just a bathroom. The same was true in this place. It was just another train carriage but--well, it was special.
As he entered the room, his eyes immediately fell upon Reese and Chris, both of whom he already knew had gotten the badge. Then there was another girl in there that he didn't recognize--was that badge red on her robes?--and...TORIN?
WHAT was he doing here? He tried to go over the prefects that had left last term in his head...who was the male Hufflepuff prefect? OH YES it was none other than Dominic Denton, the student that Jack was replacing as Head Boy. Sooooo that meant that Torin DID get the badge! Why else would he be here? "NO WAY! They made Torin Kane a prefect?" Jack asked with a grin as he dropped his stuff in a nearby seat. He was only joking, of course, he knew Torin was an AWESOME choice for prefect. "Hi, I'm Jack Fritzera," he added, introducing himself to the red head before turning to Chris and Reese and greeting them as well. And now Jack was starting on him? Siiigh. Oh well, at least the Gryffindor seemed to be joking. "I know. Can you believe it? The school must be going mental." He winked and wondered what the boy was doing there when Chris was the male Prefect for that House. There could only be TWO Prefect per House and one being female. Everyone knew that.
Unless... "Jack, are you Head Boy?" NO FREAKING WAY!! |