Thread: The Spirit Room
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Old 01-09-2009, 01:32 AM
Biochemkris Biochemkris is offline
Default The Spirit Room

The door swings open to reveal a dank and dusty room which has clearly been vacant for years. White sheets cover the furniture, cobwebs fill every nook, cranny, corner, and everything in between. A layer of dust permeates every aspect of the room. For some reason, all you can do is stand and stare inside.

Though the door swung open easily, a strange barrier prohibits the living from entering this room. The barrier was put in place by Marcella Riddle the term after her unfortunate demise and protected the peace and quiet of the ghosts still residing at Hogwarts. The room has laid quietly in the years since the young Hogwarts ghosts reattained their bodies.

For more details on the former residents of this room, please read Hogwarts, A History, chapters term 5 to term 7).