Thanks to the fabulous Gemma (aka Waterloo) for the banner So I had originally started a fanfic titled The Phoenix, but found I wasn't able to go where I wanted to with it. So I have decided to try again, with a similar idea in mind, but slightly different. In my story there is an addition to the trio, and her name is Abby Carson. I hope those who read it will enjoy =)
General Info:
Abby Carson was your typical witch except for one fact, she was a phoenix animagi with the ability to not only read minds but feel the emotions of the people surrounding her. At the typical age of eleven Abby was boarded off to Hogwarts, and found comfort in her three friends: Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Through the past four years at Hogwarts the four had formed a bond, and Abby found a way to deal with the ever-growing power that came with her phoenix animagi condition. However in their fifth year, things at Hogwarts were different: Voldemort had returned, fear and skepticism surrounded the four, and Abby couldn't help but wonder what exactly it was that Dumbledore seemed so frightened to tell her.
Chapter One: Part One:
Hot. A simple three letter word that seemed to be coursing through everyone's mind on that August morning. I was perched on the wooden seat attached to a tree by two ropes that were three times as old as I was. My luggage was packed, my owl was dutifully perched in her cage, and I was waiting for my parents to come outside and tell me they were ready.
I had been doing this for four years already, and yet each time I still felt a wave of sadness come over me as we departed for the Hogwarts Express. I remembered when I was eleven years old, and my parents waving from the train station as the train moved in slow motion around the corner. My parents had insisted that I would find people just like me at Hogwarts; that I would find that I was not really different at all. And in some ways they had been right; I had found comfort and solace in Ron, Hermione, and Harry. But at the same time there was something so familiar and stable about my house and my parents. With Harry's incident and knowledge that Voldemort had returned, there was a cloud of tension and unease that seemed to constantly hover over most of the wizarding world.
I had been preparing myself for the atmosphere at Hogwarts for about two weeks now, and wasn't sure that I had really made any progress. My mom just told me to take deep breaths, and to focus on positive emotions and feelings. I couldn't help but feel that positive emotions were going to be few and far between. In fact, I was pretty sure that Harry was going to make that very difficult. But Harry is my friend, and despite the unfortunate circumstances that may come from that, I was going to stand by him through thick and thin.
"Abby! It is time to go!"
I lightly hopped off the swing, my feet causing the few surviving pieces of grass in my yard to die. I jogged lightly to the door, my dark brown hair flowing behind me as I went, landing softly just below my shoulder blades when I stopped to open the back door. I quickly took in my smooth pale face reflected in the glass, my sapphire blue eyes hesitant, waiting for something to pop out from around the corner. I pulled the door open and walked into our kitchen, before rounding the corner into my living room.
My parents were standing at the fireplace, the pot containing the floo powder in my mother's gentle hands. Her hazel eyes stared at me warmly, the sunflower yellow dress hanging on her thin and fragile frame, the white apron tarnished with flower. My dad was standing next to her, his dark brown hair matching me own, and his blue eyes shining through his wire-rimmed glasses.
"Do be careful, okay?" my mom murmured as I took a handful of floo powder from the pot.
"It will be okay Mom," I said with a tiny smile. "Professor Moody and Tonks will be going with us to the train station along with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley."
"I know, but do send Luna when you get on the train, just so I know."
I nodded as I hugged her and my dad, my dad holding onto me slightly longer than usual. I could feel a similar feeling to what I had felt on the swing penetrating from his body, but he managed to keep his face and smile calm and collected.
I stepped into the fire place and took one last look at my warm living room before dropping the powder from my hands, and firmly pronouncing, "The Weasley's Burrow."