Granddaddy Ravenclaw | | Jermione Granger Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Oooh you've left us with another cliffhanger.
I reeeealllly like this. You are gooooood. *blushes* I wrestled with this chapter a lot, so I'm glad that you like it. I like cliffhangers... well. I should say that I like writing cliffhangers. I absolutely hate when they're in something I read. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin *gurgle* Tibi is a CUTE baby. I wants to snuggle his ickle face off.
This was a great update, and I can't wait to resolve the cliff hanger. We're only two chapters into the story and I'm all invested. *cling* Whenever I visit my nephew, I come home saying 'I hope my kids are that cute.' I imagine there's part of me that also thinks that my kids should be as cute as Tibi.
I guess I must be doing something right. Quote:
Originally Posted by Pink Ninja Awww Jer!! Too.cute.for.words.  It's like, all babies all the time with me lately. Quote:
Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom Have I told you I don't like cliffhangers? Well, I don't!
I do love this though. There was a point in the middle where I wondered if Tibi was going to choke on that snitch.
I love the us against the world vibe. It makes them a very tight little family unit, can't wait to find out who could be ringing his father. *pets* I don't plan on doing it terribly often, but I do enjoy a good cliffhanger. The snitch bits were probably my favorite to write, cause gummy, drooly babies make me all melty. And, ugh. I love the three of them together, so for those of you who know anything about Tibi's family from the RP, you know what's coming. And it's gonna kill me to do it.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time |