so you can convince yourself that im cute And So It Begins.
#24 House elf “Ugh, Draco! Get away from that thing!”
At the Malfoy Manner, Lucius was casting a disapproving eye over his son, a one year old Draco, who was sitting on the gleaming kitchen floor, a blanket clutched in one chubby hand. The other arm was wrapped tightly around the body of Dobby the House elf.
Draco snuggled closer, hugging with all his might, until a disgusted Lucius pulled him away.
Draco held out a podgy hand and clutched in mid air at the elf.
“Dobsieeee!!” He called, and the elf looked solemnly back.
A single tear fell down Draco's podgy cheek.
__________________ ♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
Last edited by firenjen; 01-04-2010 at 08:29 PM.