Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor Ferris felt bad as the little creature pressed back into the corner of her cage, obviously terrified of his hand. He quickly retrieved it, closing up the cage with a small sigh of his own as Vianna mentioned that it might take a while for Amber to get used to them. "Yeah, probably..." he agreed, "But maybe she'd just like to stay in her cage for a while...I just feel bad leaving her in that dusty old thing." He thought for a moment before getting to his feet and walking over to Vianna's bed with his wand. He took a pillow, duplicated it, and walked back over to Vianna with the duplicate. He then proceeded to shrink it down until it was the proper size for a large Barbie doll and took a seat next to his girlfriend once more. Maybe he was crazy, but he knew how much Fluffy liked pillows and was sure that Amber would appreciate something more comfortable to curl up on. And so, Ferris gently unlatched her cage once more and set the mini-pillow in the floor of it before closing it once more and leaning back into the couch.
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