so you can convince yourself that im cute #34 Parseltonge “Wicked,” grinned a fourteen year old Lee, upon hearing that Harry Potter was a parseltongue. “That is so COOOOOOOLLLL!!!” “Lee!” said Angelina stiffly. “This is SERIOUS! Think about how he’s feeling!” “I bet he’s dead happy,” he grinned. “Wish I could do that.”
Angelina raised a sceptical eyebrow. “You wish there was a possibility you were Slytherins Heir?” “Well, no. But think how many ways I could squiiish that little runt Malfoy if I could call a load of dirty great snakes on him! It would be brilliant!”
“Poor Harry.” Said Angelina, shaking her head in sympathy. “LUCKY Harry!!”
__________________ ♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place.  I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥ |