so you can convince yourself that im cute # 33 Classroom
Angelina walked quickly through the nearly deserted corridor, trying (and failing) to get away from Fred and George, who were walking quickly behind her. So quickly that they kept stepping on her heels.
“WHAT?!” She bellowed, whipping around and nearly head-butting George.
They were silent for a second. Then – “How’s Leeeee?” They sang together. “GAGHHHHH” moaned Angelina, walking again. They followed. “Maybe you should talk to him?” Said Fred “Alonnee.” Sang George “Somewhere private.” “Aloneeee.” “You could find an empty classroom?” finished Fred, eyebrows wiggling up and down.
“Alon- UMPH!”
For Angelina had walloped her heaviest book into George’s chest.
__________________ ♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place.  I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥ |