Kermit The Frog ★ l Team Warren l MarkThomasRhodes ♥ Well todays been a good day for Mark.. After spending some quality time with the family Mark decided it was best to go back to work and sit by his desk, hmm any work to do? Well.. there wasn't much.. On his desk was a picture of him on a broom, another picture of his Nephews&Neices. He picked up the picture of his family and smiled.. Wow they were growing up fast!
Okay.. enough smiling and reflecting on the past.. back to work.. Mark had remembered he had some notes to copy from the brief meeting. Taking out his notebook and his new fountain pen, he began to write.
__________________ ♥ Warren Ashley Kensington ____________ Mark Thomas Kensington ♥ Everyone knows a Kensington The Family sticking together like true Kensingtons |