Originally Posted by
Harry is hot23 What you want- avvy, siggy, and profile pic
Size- snitchseeker requirements
Images (only high quality pics, please - at least 400x400)- Pic
1, Pic
2, and Pic
Text- On the avvie Rue, on the siggy Rue Everdeen, and the same thing as the last on the profile pic
Anything Else?- Nope whatever else you feel like
I'll have a go at this for you.Hopefully I should have it done by tomorrow.
EDIT: PICK UP: Harry is hot23
Hope these are ok for you, if not I can have a go at changing them.
If you do use please remember the rules: Comment, credit either me, Sarah, or the shop, and NO Hotlinking.
Thanks for the request, please come again.
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