Originally Posted by
Yusrieee Rubbing his forehead while he brainstormed a name for Helena, he couldn't help but chuckle. Helena looked so adorable with short hair but the long locks will forever and always be his favorite. "Don't worry, you look cute as ever." He said ruffling her hair after giving her a gentle one hand hug.
Smirking, Blake bit his lower lip, "I have the perfect name for you..." Opening the zipper of his bag, he pulled out a beanie similar to his. "Bye bye Helena and helloooo Chris!" He muttered while he adjusted the beanie on his best friend's head. Teehee, Helena would love her new name.
"You likey?" He asked, grooming Helena to complete the perfect boyish look.
Helena blushed slightly at this - damn, she was going to have to stop that, now wasn't she? - but she felt better as Blake gave her a hug. At her name, though, Helena gulped; Chirs?? She'd be calling him every day of course, but to have Blake calling her that as a constant reminder would be just... terrible.
I like the beanie, she muttered with a frown.
Originally Posted by
Deniiz Evan watched with amusement as one of the boys set his tent on fire. Waaaiiit, how old were they that they could use magic? Wasn't it forbidden? Could he use too?
But before he could ask any of his questions, another boy walked in. Not someone he knew. He sighed as he looked at his stuff again hopelessly. Why did they mind setting themselves up so much?
Then, something strange happened: Blake and a familiar boy probably from Hogwarts walked in. Evan's mouth dropped open. Blake? Blakey? Thinking it again, this camp didn't necessarily have to be awful. What could be awful when Blake was around?
He got up, leaving his stuff back -he still held the hope that his tent would get out of his bag and set itself up, and walked to Blake. "What's up?" he said in a happy manner. Yay! He wouldn't be that alone.
Luckily, however, Helena was saved the trouble of answering further when another kid came up to them, seeming to know Blake. Lena widened her stance and crossed her arms casually as he approached.
I don't think we've met - I'm.... Henry, she said finally in a deeper voice than her normal one, holding out her hand.