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Jordan shrugged his shoulders at Lilly.
"Dunno," he said, using that shudder-worthy common word. "I'd say I'd persuade... but I think most are in now... So it's really just a case of watching over the brooms."
Which Jordan was doing. He didn't really trust anyone else to do that, but there had to be someone else unless he got called away.
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"alright" lilly told Jordan happily, that was something that she did not want to do anyway. "so now we just have to look after them, fun fun" she added
"We did a nice and neat job, Jordan and Lily. And sorry if I was rude." Chris apologized to his co-workers, his voice didn't sound he was sorry but he was sincere. Chris then smiled at them. Now, they just needed to wait for the people who'd checked their broom and traveling cloak with them.