9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev Hopefully Josh was not kind of the kid to complain about why they were sitting in the lower seats side. Yes, this was one good thing about him the other was that he was going to leave Ryan alone and happy since he was going to focused on the match. So the blond man could have a short look at his new book without getting bugged by any one. Other than him being late to find better tickets lower seats were the most suitable ones to read a book. He was not going to be obliged to deal with players swooshing over him. So nodding at Joshua with a little smile, he took his seat and opened the book. ''Whoa!! GO GO ENGLAND'!!!!'' Josh yelled staring up at the exciting game. He did not care if Ryan watched the game or not. The adult man was nuts! Who would read a stupid book in the most exicitng event of the year anyway? The answer is Ryan!!! He could break any record on being boring, no debate. Who cared though?? ''HA HA! RYAN! Looks like your Australia is doing baddd!'' he teased the guy cheerfully and jumped on his seat excitedly.
__________________ Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. |