No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher Monty Williams retrieves the Quaffle and he puts it back into play . . . his pass is caught by Jett Turner . . . EEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEE! Turner zooms forward and launches a pass to Blaze Murphy . . . EEEEE! EEEE! Murphy ducks and almost loses control of his broom . . . he makes a quick recovery and passes to Hailee Archer . . . EEEEEEEE! Chuck Liu and Jack Fletcher nearly knock their captain off her broom as they swoop in with their bats raised . . . Archer veers to the left and hugs the side of the Stands as she zooms towards the scoring area . . . EEEEEE! EEEEE! Liu swings his bat . . . CRACK! Quinn Gallagher cartwheels out of control as the Bludger knocks him out of the way of Archer and kicks a golden object into plain sight under the bright stadium lights . . . with the path cleared to the scoring area, Archer speeds up . . . she enters the scoring area . . Archer raises her arm and she shoots . . . THWACK! Colin "The Hot Scot" MacKenzie uses a mighty sweeping motion of his broom to block the shot and he sends the Quaffle sailing through the air! Quaffle to England: Who started the Black family traditon of beheading house elves? (first name okay) Snitch: How much does Tom Riddle say Mr. Burke will pay for Hepzibah Smith's goblin-made armor? (must include monetary value, e.g. dollars, cents, etc.) SCOREBOARD England Points Scored: 0 Snitch Captures: 0 Penalties: 0 Australia Points Scored: 10 Snitch Captures: 0 Penalties: 0
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