Hey Conners,
I'm back and I have to say, Voldemort in a Christmas hat is deviously deplorable

Merry X-mas Conners, I don't know if you celebrate but I'm all in the spirit.

It's the most wonderful time of the year ...

I wish I could be spending it with all my family and not just parts of it *sighs* but in my heart we're always together ...
That said, onto your story. *fires the cannons* thank you for working on your presentation. I didn't mean you had to make it all giantsized (which helps so much, thank you) or all colorful, which I've always loved, but thank you for listening. I spend a lot of time reading, at the computer, and etc. You know I'm going to go blind so I need large friendly type.

So, thank you.
I'm all caught up on your fic now.

I'm very proud of me, I very rarely do this and when I do I rarely stay caught up. Still, if your story is good, and you actually post to it, and intend to finish it, you've got a faithful reader right here. Consequently, your story is very good. But I'm sure I already told you that. I love the setting, and about this:
Originally Posted by The Beloved Author
The prologue is only a brief description to give the reader an idea of the times and conditions he was born in; to be a foundation for story arcs later on in the story. The time period he was born in was very dangerous for werecats and this required him to change back and forth from cat and human form, depending on what was safest for him at the moment.
I know it was a description, *ahem* but if you'll pardon the criticism it's an encyclopedic description of a story, more than a story description of events, if you see what I mean. I don't know. My gripe was about that. I think you could have written it differently, but here again, it is the author's prerogative, you chose to go with that and it's cool, myself I would have written it out as a scene or flashback. It reads like it should segue into a short scene but ... alas, we never get the scene. *shrugs* Just MHO. Moving on ...
Did I ever tell you that Speed Racer is like one of my favorite movies of all time? It is. It got lambasted by the critics and it didn't make half as much money as it should, and it likely will not ever have a sequel

but I think it's cinematically brilliant, pun totally intended, and the critics can line up to kiss my candy coated ... oh look the Mach 5

moving on ... it works, it's a good film, not brilliant but magnificent, a marvel of colors and action and adventure, and it stays true to the characters IMHO. So, do I care what the critics think? My advice, if it works for you, ignore all the criticism ... moving on ...
Ottery's Criticism in the form of fanfiction
Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! I love this place, this Snitchseeker.com, it's my home from it's dark rank back alleys, to it's bright sunny downtown district where the rich bask in the glow of their opulence to the constant chagrin of the common folks. Yeah, I know all about the corruption and the backdealing ... there isn't a clean cop in the precint ... *Teddy slaps Ottery* sorry I was having flashbacks to The Spirit
another bad movie I kind of liked ... but not enough to defend it,
I don't particularly care for Severus being ... uhm, conniving, but in retrospect I think it would be an aspect of his character, I guess maybe I think you're trying to present him as the villain or someone solely out for his own gain, what with the whole jar and makeup trick. I don't know, we know that Severus lived in an abusive environment so ... I didn't care for it seeming like he was faking it just to be with Lily. I guess my Snape is different. Don't get me wrong he still grows up to be a jerk but ... *Otty's heart breaks* he's got an excuse.
Lily you write perfectly, and Tunie too, did I mention I love that nickname? Like with a passion, Tunie,

I want some tunie sandwiches please ... hold the pickles and the boiled eggs though
Tom/Jimmy is my favorite character, and not simply because he's a werecat though that helps. I think he's cute and it's fun to see him try to be helpful, though how, when Lily is in Hogwarts and Petunia is going somewhere else altogether will be interesting to see ...
I think you're writing, have written a very interesting story, I'm intrigued to know where you're going and to see who exactly is the main character/hero of the story, whether it be Tom or Lily or Tunie. Just the same they're all appealing and I have a soft spot for Tunie with her broken heart ...
Pams when you cans Connie. I'll be reading when I can ... *fires the cannons* fun stuff this. And if I don't come back before the end, Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays if you don't Christmas ...