I like to emphasize~Mecca~ScoobieDoo~M O L L Y~Dori~MummyAlice~Beckers the ALIEN
Melina walked onto the campground after a nice walk and looked for a nice spot to set up her tent. She'd be alone for the night seeing as Tommy was working and would be joining her later. After about two minutes, she found a nice little area which was probably near the center of the field. Taking her tent and tools out of her bag, she decided it would be fun to try to pitch the tent the muggle way. So, she started piecing everything together. It took and good fifteen minutes and many errors before it looked right, but as she walked in, she was greeted by a nice cozy room. Pulling firefly lane a book, which she had always loved, and sat down to read. She'd read it atleast twenty times in all the years of her having the book and suprizingly, it never got old,; which was a lovely quality in any reading material.
That's just how we roll.
Last edited by Mrs_Molly_Weasley; 12-19-2009 at 08:58 AM.
Reason: I absentmindedly used the wrong charrie's name-Boy am I tired!!