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Abigail Road
"You ah in luck! Ah will bake for yah... As soon as we fahnd mah quartahs" She said looking around...
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"That's very considerate," Chad smiled, looking towards her and then returning back to the search. "I would have thought that some sort of...tent for les...important people would have been set up. My tent is in this area. It is comfortable and roomy, but more likely not the place for such an important woman as yourself."
FINALLY. She had been looking everywhere for this man. Why he had the American Minister at the campground for families was beyond her. She was pretty sure that it was just the minister here, not her family.
She walked right up to him before she even said a word. She was a foot away from him when she finally said anything. "Chad," she stated quite simply before taking a deep breath, just to be dramatic. "You are needed back at the Floo Network checkpoint. Someone was complaining about getting all cold all of a sudden, and then it went away like that. We think it is invisible. That is your department, not mine, can you please go help them out?." she said, speaking very calmly and matter of fact the entire time. If he was watching her eyes he would know that she was talking about a ghost that did not exist, and the location, well, she hoped. Lili was pretty sure that her fellow Department Head had heard her talk before, and knew the difference between when she was actually being serious, and when she wasn't. "Anyway, I was asked to tell you are needed back at the Floo check in," she said. Making sure the minister was not watching at the moment she winked, if hadn't gotten it before he would now, hopefully.
Turning her attention to the minister she smiled. Looking at her she felt a little guilty about all the confusing earlier and her department not being there to welcome her. She'd explain it if she asked, though, thinking about being away from Skye was making her sad. "Minister Road," she greeted the other woman. "How are you?" she asked casually. "I am Liliana Hunter, and I am the Department Head for International Magical Cooperation. I am ever so sorry that I was not there to welcome you earlier. But I will be more than happy to help you with whatever you need now. Perhaps you would like to see the East Field. I have a tent already set up for you there, and it is right on the outskirts of the stadium. Of course if you would rather stay at this campground, it will only take a matter of time for me to move the tent to this campground."