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Old 12-16-2009, 03:25 AM   #48 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Flyingpigs. [GMT-5]
Posts: 12,081

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercedes A. Finklestein
x7 x3
James' Violin Buddy | Josey's Duckie ♥ | | Dandruffie's BFF | O Sparkly One

O: Sorting? Open? YES. WHOOOO! Come on guys, take the quiz! Let's get some more Ravenclaws! We neeeeedd youuuuu. Plus it's the best house evaa.

But all recruiting aside, considering you have no say in the matter of the sorting... good luck to all! And I hope that many of you get into the houses you wanted to get into. If you don't... bummer. But you'll most likely learn to love it. They always do. You'll have a lotta fun no matter what.
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