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Dot. Dot. Dot.
Dot. Who was hugging her? Who was that? AHH--oh.
"Tammy!! Tammy Tammy Tammy Tammy Tammy!!" Lucy said as her level of happiness increased. She'd been looking for Tammy for quite some time now, and wasn't sure if she'd be able to say her final good-byes. But now she could...because she had finally found Tammy! Lucy turned around and gave her the biggest hug ever, almost refusing to let go. But then she pulled back. "I was looking for you all over! And then I couldn't find you, so I thought maybe you were somewhere else or something and that I wouldn't get to you again before we go home and...yeah. But I'm here! And you're here! Which means I found you!" Calm...down...Lucy. She had stop herself from getting overly excited. What if she caused a disruption amongst the other students? What if?! Maybe she should eat anything sweet. It might make her condition worse. Aw, but she was still so hungry! Sigh. One treat.
"Where is everyone else?" she asked.
Tammy giggled, and lost all feeling in her body as she was squeezed by the other girl. "Oh Luce, Imma gonna miss youuuu. Miss YOU." She smiled again, and looked at the girl before her. Oh she was never gonna grow up, which was good. Because growing up sucked.
"The others? Oh, they're like off avoiding me and my emotional status right now? I cried on Shana and Torin.."