Thread: West Field
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Old 12-15-2009, 01:40 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Super Spaz View Post
Marco frowned and checked his ticket again. "It says Top Box. M. Denver. West Field camp. I guess we put our tents up here. But it is so......" It was too disgraceful for words. And allegedly they shouldn't use magic. That wasn't happening. Marco was going to make this the best field out there. Clean and tidy.
He was huffing quite audibly by the time they reached the West Field. Readying himself for a collapse onto the mud, but he stopped short of doing so when he got a good look at the ground. Claudian gave a quick disgusted glance towards his shoes. The clayish substance (likely ridden with the plague) had squished its way into the small crevices on his soles.

He glanced over to his friends ahead of him who were not huffing and puffing for air. Xana hadn't said a word to him since Tag mentioned the incident with the pixie as though it had been more than a case of beastly mishandling...or perhaps, exactly that. H'mm. He wondered if Tag wouldn't mind a bit of two-can-play, but he recalled the shame it was that Tag didn't have a girlfriend of his own. What did ever happen to Celestina Warbuck? Come to think of it. The Mayors party was the last he'd seen of her as well.

Claudian caught up in time to catch the last of what Marco was saying. "Desolate?" He said out loud with what was surely the last of his air to offer Marco an adjective. He plopped down his backpack attached to which was he and Xanas tent.

Uh-oh. Had Marco been cleared? He turned to the security wizard who'd just apparated onto the West Field. Wait a minute?! They could apparate??! At that realization Claudesy felt like crying.
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