♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Gulp.
Head up, back straight, Raiden approached the staff table. He had been set to just... let things go, but the disrespect being shown to a man who had helped him rather a lot was just... it was too much. Seeing Cope and Dom up there, and now LouAnn had approached as well, Raiden had gotten up the courage to approach the Staff Table. Cope and Dom and LouAnn were going to escort him? Well... Raiden wanted to as well.
"I'd like to walk with you too, sir," he said quietly, firmly. "You were never anything but a good Professor to me and all your other students."
There wasn't much he could say in this situation but... well. At least he could do this. |