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Old 12-13-2009, 07:02 PM   #141 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Fern Quimbley
Third Year

Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMcKay View Post
Sarah nodded along as she listened to what Kay and Kevin said. "Yeah leaving is always sad, but at least we get to come back," she smiled, eyeing the hand holding curiously.Were they going out then? Would be rude to ask, instead she just went onto the subject of Asia. "Soo you're going to Asia, Kevin?" she asked, leaning on her elbow. "For a holiday, or to stay?"

And then she heard another familiar voice, coming from right next to her....


Sarah was just about to fling her arms around her friend, and pull her into a tight hug, when the girl went off on some tangent and started babbling.Sarah squinted her eyes at her and strained her ears, trying as hard as she could to work out what the soon-to-be third year was saying.She was partially successful, managing to catch the words 'Kazimeriz, badger's dancing and Dominic' but where the hell they all fitted into a sentence she had no idea. "Wesley, hang on! What on earth are you on about? Calm down a bit.What's this about dancing badgers?" Sarah cocked an eyebrow at her friend as she looked at her.If this was to do with the speech, Sarah had completely missed it.
Taking a deep breath, Wesley sat herself fully down. Nothing too bad could happen in the time it took to explain everything could it?

"Sarah, I'm talking about the speech," she began, squirming as she attempted to remain calm and understandable, "The Headmaster's gone on something that I can't remember the name of. I think it starts with a T. Or maybe an H...or an S," the Hufflepuff paused, fighting to remember the name, but it wasn't coming to her, "But that's not important," she waved her hands quickly, as if fanning the idea away, "What is important is Professer Kazimirez is taking over. And he was giving his speech, and there where these super CUTE!" her voice went high on the last word, and she squirmed again, not from excitement, but from the cuteness, "badgers! And they danced! For us, because, we won the cup, right? See-," she hopped down from the bench and flapped her arms in the air, "They danced like this, and they sang too: Badja! Badja! Badja! Badja! Badja!"

Wesley loved the badgers.

Taking her seat back, she waited for Sarah to take in the information, before moving on to the bad stuff.

Last edited by imaginarynumb3rs; 12-13-2009 at 07:16 PM.
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