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Old 12-13-2009, 03:47 AM   #51 (permalink)
hermionefanforever's Avatar
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
William Andrew Darcy (Will)
Fifth Year
NOT Overrated | Jessiewhale

She honestly couldn't believe her plan, "Run away from home by floo powder" had actually worked. Yes ladies and gentleman, Jennumara Blood had indeed, succussfully run away from home...just to get back to Hogwarts. Most people probably would of thought that was strange, that someone wanted to get back to school so badly...but Jenn really honestly did. She loved the smell of old parchement, the sound of students grumbling about how much homework they had been given, and the taste of the wonderful food that they were given everyday from the house elves. So when he mother had taken her out of Hogwarts because she thought it was too dangerous here for Jenn, Jenn had already thought of ways to get out of the house.

One had been to walk back to Hogwarts, but after looking at a map, and calculating how many miles that would be to walk, she ended up going to another plan. This one was to Ride to Hogwarts via eaither horse, or broom, but that plan as well ended up falling flat. So then the plan to use floo powder and end up in Hogsmeade, well, that plan sounded much better, and easier. So, after waiting for her mother to go and get some stuff in Diagon Alley, she ran to the fire place, and well...the rest you can guess. Only problem was, she forgot to bring her clothes...but luckily tonight was the end of term feast.

So, sneaking through the double doors, and tip toeing to her table, Jenn sat down randomly next to, well she didn't really look closely, she just sat down. Sighing, she then breathed in deeply, picking up the strange smell of smoke and ashes. Wrinkling her nose, she looked around, wondering who in the blazes was smelling so strange, and then looked down at her lap. Her used to be nicely cleaned white shirt, was smuged with black soot, she could tell something was on her face as well. And her hair was a mess! EEK! Looking around, she pulled out her wand, tapping her head once to try and get it to lie flat and straight once again. It only made it slightly flatter. Sighing, she started quickly running her hands through her hair, eyeing the people around her, hoping they wouldn't notice her...strange appearance.
I like it like that, windows down, chillin' with the radio on.
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