Originally Posted by
rubindo He smiled as Iris took his hand. "OH yeah. They did great." He looked at Iris and realized something. Term was almost over and Aaron probably wasn't going to see her all summer. They had to make these last few days last because Aaron couldn't wait until September first to see her again. He looked around to see everyone else occupied with something, so he turned back to Iris. Aaron leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm going to miss you so much, Iris."
Iris blushed and smiled when Aaron kissed her cheek.
"i know, I'm going to miss you loads, too ... something always happens to stop us from being able to spend time together over the summer ... I'm definitely going to try and get those two way parchments done before I go to France though, it won't be as bad then ... " Fallon would still be gone though. She looked to the door ... where was she? ... Iris looked at Aaron and sighed, though she wasn't sure what she was sighing at, Fallon not being at her own leaving party, or her not being able to see Aaron at all over the summer.