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Adrienne grinned back at Phoebus as he agreed with her argument about killing him. "Cela tried to kill you?," she asked teasingly as he mentioned their housemate. Even though she already knew he was referring to tackling. It was more fun to pretend otherwise, and besides, he had to know she knew what he had thought about. And then she laughed as he first tried to play dumb over her comment about the other guys, then confessed. "Well, it's not a competition," she pointed out logically, before trying to hide a grin as he pulled at his shirt. "Besides, wearing the shirt isn't doing a lot of good, is it? I can still see you, and I'm not running away screaming or anything. You're not Quasimodo or something." Which was kind of stupid anyway, since it wasn't like she hadn't seen him without a shirt on before, knowing him for as long as she had. Riley was good for something, after all.
"Awww, how chivalrous of you," she teased as he spoke about not being able , whento hit her because she was a girl. It hadn't stopped some people, but then that was all during Quidditch. The rules went out the window then, but as far as she was concerned, water fights were the same. And obviously he agreed, seeing as he then decided to retaliate against her tiny wave of water. "Who said anything about fighting fair?," she replied back to him, laughing as she brushed the water from her eyes, before ducking under the water and reaching out to grab his ankles and pulling him under. Letting go immediately after, she grinned at him underwater before swimming back to the surface.
Well Cela had certainly tried, if not intentionally, to kill him. At least Phoebus saw it that way. " She did. But lucky for me she's so sprightly. Easily taken down," He said, laughing a little. His laughing faded a bit as he heard her say that it wasn't a competition, and that he wasn't like, hideous or anything. " Really?" He said, looking at himself. Then he decided to heck with it and whipped off his shirt. He tossed it...somewhere and then shivered a bit. " it's kinda...colder without it." he said.
Chuckling at her chivalry comment, Phoebus gave a nod to Adrienne. " Yeah, I'm the last chivlarous guy on the planet. Or at least I think so." He told her. He watched her disappear beneath the water, and thinking about how she said no one was playing fair...well he thought too much. He made a yelping sort of noise as he felt his feet slide out from underneath him and then he was under again. He opened his eyes just to see Adrienne grin at him and then he popped back up, taking a breath. " You...are a cheater." He said, grinning at her nonetheless. He splashed her a few more times and then jumped at her, grabbing her up in his arms and throwing himself and her back into the water before he let her go again.